Join us for presentations, panel discussions, a poster session, and career exploration. We welcome participation by anyone interested in learning about rewards of careers in computing fields or in advancing technology through broader representation of women.
Students! Come meet other people interested in computing, learn about career choices and graduate study, and attend a career fair.
Professionals! We invite academic and industry leaders to come meet and mentor the next generation of computing professionals.
Download the Call for Participation Flyer.
What is MICWIC?
The 5th biennial Michigan Celebration of Women in Computing (MICWIC) Conference is part of a nationwide effort to address the alarming decline of American women choosing computer science professions. This historic conference will focus attention on the research and career interests of women in computing and information technology. It will bring together students, faculty, and business leaders from across Michigan and neighboring states to discuss the role of women in today's technology fields, share experiences and strategies for success, and explore issues common to women working in these fields.
Hear what people had to say about previous MICWIC conferences.
Keynote Speakers
Title: Talking to R2D2
Speaker: Joyce Chai

Joyce Chai is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Michigan State University. She received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Duke University in 1998. Prior to joining MSU in 2003, she was a Research Staff Member at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. She has a broad research interest in natural language processing, situated human-robot dialogue, and intelligent user interfaces.
Title: Leadership, Diversity, Innovation, and Transformation
Speaker: Heidi J. Musser

Heidi currently leads capabilities in IT business management, development operations, IT PMO and process execution, and quality assurance, which make the business of IT better for USAA and its members. Heidi also serves as USAA's Chief Agilist, Compliance Officer for CAO, Executive Sponsor for USAA's women in IT affinity group, Executive Sponsor for USAA's Think Differently Forum, Chair of the IT Infrastructure Portfolio, and is a member of the Operations Risk Council.
An experienced business technology leader, Heidi has held senior executive positions in financial services, healthcare, technology consulting, software, and public sector finance. She is passionate about leadership, diversity, innovation, transformation, collaboration, design thinking, and enterprise agility. She was recently nominated to STEMconnector's® list of 100 Diverse Corporate Leaders in STEM.
Heidi earned an Executive MBA and B.A. in Accounting from Michigan State University. She is also a graduate of the Institute of Design at Stanford's d.school, and has studied executive leadership at the Center for Creative Leadership and Babson College.

MICWIC will be held at Weber's Hotel and University of Michigan's Duderstadt Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
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